LONDON ?Fitflop Ciela ? Fears surrounding the stability of the 17-country eurozone —particularly the state of Spain's financial system and whetherGreece might be forced out of the single currency union —pushed global markets down again on Thursday. Greece has called another round of elections for June 17 after thelast one proved inconclusive and coalition talks to form agovernment fell apart. Greeks gave strong support to parties thatreject the country's international bailout and the tough austeritymeasures it comes with.Fitflop Electra But without that rescue package, Greece will likely default andhave to leave the eurozone. That would result in financial disasterfor Greece and send shockwaves through European markets,destabilizing other weak countries. As a result, the new elections are shaping up as a referendum onwhether Greeks want their country to stay in the eurozone or not.Fitflop Fiorella
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A specific quality motorcycle oil like 'Rock Oil' should always be usedChain - if you're doing 100 or more miles per day this should be lubricated and adjusted as necessarySteering Does it operate freely without notches and uneven feel? Does it interfere with the operation of any cables at full lock?Kill switch functionalitySide and centre stands - do they return to their correct position for riding?Brake hoses - can you see any chafing or banjo bolts causing weeping?Weekly or 200 miles (whichever is sooner)All the above, plus:Check oil level - does it require topping-up?Check tyre pressure - check with an accurate gaugeCheck battery - if not maintenance-free, then check electrolyte level and top up with distilled water if necessary. If you have an alarm or immobiliser fitted it may be worth giving it a charge (this is especially true if the bike is not being used regularly).Fitflop Floretta |